We had a production meeting at the Public yesterday for our upcoming run. Afterward, I'd planned on going home to make this week's World's Healthiest Foods recipe, but by the time we'd finished we realized we were starving and needed to eat immediately.
That's when we saw this food cart on the corner of Lafayette and Houston, and decided to get the old standby, grilled chicken over rice. If ever there was a combination for comfort, it's got to be these two ingredients. Mike was game so long as there was somewhere to sit--and thanks to the construction happening on that corner, there was.
After we'd started eating it occurred to me what an unlikely picnic spot this was. If we were anywhere else on the planet I'd find it Travelmonkeys worthy, so I went ahead and captured the moment. Note the ENORMOUS Calvin Klein brassiere advertisement in the background. If that isn't appropriate for a meal of chicken cutlets, I don't know what is.
Good to see you guys back in the city!
Thanks, Dave! Hope to see you and Sam soon!
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